Nature meets pleasure
Dark, delicately melting chocolate with a sweet, elegant taste reminiscent of tangerines. The taste is velvety and harmonious, characterized by the aroma of the 12 herbs. Nature meets pleasure - the unique, 70% Loveon chocolate combines natural products with great pleasure. It can help to increase the well-being of women and men in a natural way and gives confidence and new energy.
Application and effect
Maca has a stimulating effect. It is
This makes it very similar to guarana. It also has a slight blood pressure increasing effect. People who suffer from high blood pressure should therefore only take maca with caution. The tuber is therefore a practical substitute for coffee, as it can be used as a good stimulant.
However, this stimulating and awakening effect does not stop at morning tiredness. Maca has an effect on the whole body – especially on the sexual organs. This has now been scientifically proven.
Overall, the effect of Maca can be described as "hormone regulating". It stimulates the natural release of the body's own hormones and thus prevents hormonal dysfunctions. This can be used for a variety of complaints.
Increase potency, save libido
In a scientifically valid double-blind study at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, the potency-enhancing and libido-boosting effects of Maca were clearly demonstrated. The aim of the study was to mitigate the side effects of antidepressants. The pharmaceutical mood enhancers often have a reduced sexual desire as a side effect. The loss of sex drive is not ideal, especially for depressed people. This lack of desire can be counteracted by administering Maca. However, the dose must be set quite high. Three grams of dried Maca powder has proven to be the ideal daily dosage. Below this amount, taking Maca was practically ineffective. But from this amount onwards, things started to move. In addition to a rapid increase in sexual desire, the patients' overall quality of life also improved. "More desire for life" is the best way to increase the effect of Maca.
Improving sperm quality
It is a recognized fact that the quality of sperm is declining worldwide. The number is constantly decreasing and the proportion of inactive or dysfunctional sperm in the remaining sperm is constantly increasing. Maca powder has already undergone initial tests to determine whether it could be used therapeutically. Although the research methods used by a Peruvian clinic did not meet current standards, the results were promising. A study by the University of Lima examined the changes in sperm when taking Maca. The number and mobility were improved, that much is certain. However, research is still continuing in this area.
Building muscle with Maca
Male desire and male aggression are hormonally closely related. The hormone testosterone fulfils a dual function in the male body. The aggression hormone testosterone is, however, very important for building muscle. It stimulates the desire to move and exert oneself. In competitive sports, especially in bodybuilding, steroids are often used to artificially increase hormone levels. However, these are very dangerous as they have serious side effects. In addition to causing massive damage to the liver and kidneys, they can also shrink the testicles and make sexual desire disappear. Maca has proven to be an extremely effective, natural and healthy substitute for steroids. The increasing effect on the release of testosterone cannot be achieved with maca powder. However, the tuber makes you more alert and more efficient overall. Its approach to building muscle is therefore different to that of steroids. However, its effect is similar and avoids the dangerous side effects of chemical preparations.
Pregnancy through Maca
No, taking Maca will not make you pregnant. But a natural remedy that boosts libido and potency naturally contributes significantly to inducing a pregnancy. In addition, Maca also has a strong hormone-regulating effect. This can dissolve hormonal blockages in women who have previously prevented pregnancy. However, other statements about Maca powder and pregnancy are increasingly vague. Some people advise against taking it during pregnancy, others claim that Maca can prevent miscarriages. Research is still ongoing and has not yet produced any clear results.
Side effects
What is certain, however, is that this natural remedy has very few side effects. Apart from the slight effect of increasing blood pressure, there are no proven side effects of the maca tuber. This is certainly not the case for the therapeutic daily dose of around 3 grams. In fact, the maca tuber is a completely normal vegetable in its native region, which can be consumed without any problems in quantities of 100 to 300 grams per day. Animal experiments have set the recommended maximum dose at 700 grams per day. This shows that taking a little maca powder is largely problem-free. However, maca has a high vitamin K content. If you have to take blood thinners, discuss maca therapy with your doctor beforehand.
However, maca should not be consumed as a raw tuber. If you want to try it as a vegetable, be sure to cook the maca tuber first.
Dosage and intake
In its country of origin, Peru, maca is consumed as a normal vegetable. Consuming 100 grams of maca tubers and more is completely normal there. Since you can't really overdose, the question of dosage is primarily a matter of experience. A dose of three grams of maca powder per day has been scientifically proven to achieve a potency-enhancing effect. However, you can also take ten times the dose if you want to achieve quick results.
How quickly does Maca work?
Maca is a natural food and natural remedy. Experience shows that the desired potency-enhancing effect begins just a few hours after consuming 30 grams of raw, black maca. To achieve a similar effect in women, daily intake for around three weeks is necessary. In this case, however, the three grams of maca per day mentioned are sufficient. This dose should be taken consistently.
In addition to increasing sexual desire, Maca also has remineralizing and vitalizing effects. This effect occurs very quickly.
After taking the medication for about 8 weeks, women in particular can expect the following effects:
- Normalization and alleviation of period pain symptoms
- Normalization and alleviation of menopausal symptoms
This natural remedy should therefore definitely be worth a try before you resort to chemical remedies.
When should you not take maca?
There are two indications that speak against taking Maca. These are:
- severe high blood pressure
- Taking blood thinning medication
Patients with kidney disease often suffer from high blood pressure. Unfortunately, Maca is not a suitable natural remedy for them as long as their condition persists. However, there are other natural remedies available to naturally lower blood pressure and normalize kidney function.
Maca contains a lot of vitamin K. It can therefore reduce the effect of blood thinners. Patients with atherosclerosis or strokes should therefore not take maca.
What does Maca taste like?
Maca has a slightly spicy taste that is reminiscent of cress. The tuber can be used in many different dishes. Maca curd is popular and is served with a jacket potato. Maca is an extremely robust plant that can survive frosts down to -20 °C. It is therefore easily grown in the home vegetable patch. Annual cultivation is ideal. Maca is ready for harvest after just 3-4 months.
If you want to start a maca cultivation experiment, be aware of the following: Freshly harvested maca is extremely susceptible to mold. It is also not particularly digestible when eaten raw. In Peru, maca is eaten freshly harvested and always cooked.
Maca powder tastes a little bland if it is not gelatinized. Gelatinized maca tastes significantly sweeter. It is also more digestible and safe against microbes.
Maca powder 500g - Maca root raw food quality from Peru - Maca root powder vegan contains proteins, vitamins and amino acids - Wehle Sports
Maca powder 500g - Maca root raw food quality from Peru - Maca root powder vegan contains proteins, vitamins and amino acids - Wehle Sports
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